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I especially want to thank Mojie Crigler, my editor, who provided so many helpful suggestions, especially for her advice on how to better illustrate Rachel’s true character and amplify Ann’s voice. She also provided great advice on how to reorder my narrative to create a more compelling story.
—Dr. Peter J. Hotez, director, Center for Vaccine Development, Baylor College of Medicine; author, Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism

A very special thanks to book editor Mojie Crigler for helping me streamline the first draft, get rid of the parts that went "too deep in the weeds” and into rabbit holes, and for her professional appraisal, kind words, and lively discussions.
—Leslie Reperant, author, Fatal Jump: Tracking the Origins of Pandemics

Mojie Crigler worked with us on restructuring and editing the final draft of the manuscript. We thank her for her guidance and patience. The journey was long, but there was light at the end of the tunnel.
—Tolbert Nyenswah, former deputy minister of health of Liberia, author, Collapse and Resiliency: The Inside Story of Liberia’s Unprecedented Ebola Response

Mojie Crigler provided invaluable advice regarding the book’s overall structure and clarity of presentation throughout. I was extremely fortunate to have her editorial guidance. She is an experienced editor and writer who has authored two books on health, one of which covered neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Her familiarity with onchocerciasis, OCP and APOC, and key actors in the story was a major asset. She was also delightful to work with during the sometimes tedious drafting process.
—Bruce Benton, former manager, World Bank Riverblindness Program, author, Riverblindness in Africa: Taming the Lion’s Stare